Particular thirdlevel frame representations of nakedness selfconsciously created

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as pornography, both operate as a kind of lightning-rod designed to hold the
sexual undercurrents of enjoyment and want that do, in fact, exist in non-sexual
frameworks of nude behaviour -- the delight of gazing and the desire to know,
the enjoyment of showing and the want to be seen. For contemporary postmodern
western culture, sex and sexuality have become signicant motifs in marketing,
Artwork, amusement and other frames such that sexuality appears an outside power,
roller-coastering or bulldozing its way through formerly 'protected' spaces, and
not only public ones. The 'secure' sites of nakedness -- kids bathing,
locker-room showers -- are likewise 'crashed through' and sexualized.
When it is useful to battle the prohibition on nakedness that results from the
(renewed) fall of nakedness into sexuality -- and probably it's -- then it is not
done by taking the position of nudists, naturalists and naked activists in attempt-
ing to reclaim a space or frame for non sexual nakedness, for the instability of
the myth of the shut framework or circumstance is productive, in the sense that it opens
up all kinds of chances for contingent, continuous rethinking of subjectivity,
bodies, aspects, resources, statuses and individualities. Nor is it useful to fete,
or even necessarily advocate the collapse of the contextual bodies per se. Instead,
I suggest it would be productive to contemplate a reguring of sexuality completely.
This is where queer theory makes a useful contribution to such re thinking. If
nakedness can be, and is, failed with sexuality, then it's by virtue of the
continued focus of sexuality on genitalia.
Marxist-feminist scholars have often attested, sexuality in modernity is fooled
104--5). In post-structuralist queer theoretical terms, the sexual subject is a

performative illusion of a (genitally sexed) body, gendered culturally and project-
ing a sexual desire towards another body tagged opposite by virtue of its
dichotomously distinguished genitals -- a plan carried on by the 'heterosexual
matrix', and where homosexuality becomes the 'proof' of heterosexuality by
virtue of its binarial difference.
Kosofsky Sedgwick has claimed that sexual appeal across gendered (and
Therefore genital) lines isn't just unproductive but unimaginative. She implies
alternative dimensions of sexuality that
... recognize item-option quite differently (e.g., human/animal, adult/child, singular/plural,
autoerotic/alloerotic) or aren't even about object option (e.g., orgasmic/nonorgasmic,
noncommercial/commercial, using bodies just/using manufactured items, in private/in
public, impulsive/scripted). (Sedgwick, 1990: 35)
Queer theory permits US to add to this list along trajectories that typically are not
encompassed in conversation on sexuality -- time, space, spot, the disunied body or,
as Grosz (1994: 139) hints, body parts which are not normally represented as libidi-
nal or gendered zones. Sex -- any concept of sex and consequently genitalia -- might
be removed entirely from a trajectory of sexualized desire. What queer theory
sions of sex ignore but worry: that sexuality pervades all elements of the subjective
fascinate modern culture, and which modern culture continues to be
incited by, and to fear. in all its many forms is, by virtue of its in-signi-
Skill, always sexual, consistently lusty. In and practical way, and in
light of the failure of the contextual frames, the erotic can be dened as what
Happens in the encounter between performative subject-bodies and other bodies.
signier, reiteratively performed such that it establishes retroactively an illusion
of an inner individuality center. and revolutionary treatment of subject perfor-
mativity would consider an 'person' (never quite) subject to be a multiple
citation of an array of coordinates, always in ux as those coordinates change and
Change their signications, as awesome coordinates come into being or are struck
and cited, consistently otherwise, in the process of performing subject coherence. An
encounter with other matters, for example meeting, greeting, sharing space, gazing,
Talking and listening is always lusty in that it infuses the subject's body, changes

the signications of the signiers cited by which the issue keeps his or her
It's the citation of 'the sexual' dened as sexual