Hard cross between Gustavo Petro General Zapateiro

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Gustavo Petro, the presidential candidate, provoked a heated debate over social networks between General Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro, the commanding officer of the Army, and the candidate for the first country post in the Historic Pact. Petro wrote in the post, "Some Clan officers are employed by the Clan."

"While the soldiers are killed at the hands of the Gulf Clan; some of the generals on the payroll of the Clan are also killed," Gustavo Petro stated. https://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/politica/petro-dice-que-en-su-gobierno-si-extraditaria-a-piedad-cordoba-NF17568612 The fact that they ascend to the generals is what is causing the corruption of the leadership" Gustavo Petro stated on social media.

General Zapateiro's response

The Army commander responded to this message and in six rounds, asked questions about the presidential candidate.

General Zapateiro declared: "There is no person more wounded by the loss of a soldier's life than us who wear camouflage. Gustavo Petro Their families and the homeland are also affected however the ultimate sacrifice they made for their country should not be used as a political message for campaigning."

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In a subsequent message the officer of the highest rank spoke about the numerous soldiers who have lost their lives in recent years. https://americasquarterly.org/fulltextarticle/quien-le-teme-a-gustavo-petro/ "Since 2021 over 500 military personnel were killed and injured in the course of completing the mission. The sacrifice of these soldiers was invisible, there were no declarations. It is quite curious that the loss of heroes has become an affliction source and used for other signs.

Gustavo Petro, an army commander, requested to Gustavo Petro inform the authorities if he knows anything about generals that have connections to organizations that aren't law-abiding.

https://www.eltiempo.com/bogota/luis-ernesto-gomez-reacciones-por-su-llegada-a-campana-de-gustavo-petro-674840 https://flip.org.co/index.php/es/informacion/pronunciamientos/item/2883-gustavo-petro-estigmatiza-y-genera-un-clima-de-violencia-contra-rcn "Senator. https://www.dinero.com/empresas/confidencias-on-line/articulo/gustavo-petro-preocupa-a-wall-street/255306 You should not make use of your power of investiture ("parliamentary inviolability") to try and make the death of our soldiers more palatable. https://www.washingtonpost.com/es/post-opinion/2022/04/19/elecciones-colombia-2022-gustavo-petro-juan-fernando-petro-perdon/ Instead fulfill your citizen duty of submitting a factual complain to the


The senator continued with a final reminder: "I recall that as senator, you're part of a group you are able to identify as 'drug-trafficking politicians'. I urge citizens to not make generalizations. Respect first and foremost"

The most controversial comment from the high official was that Colombians saw the current presidential candidate get money "in a trash bag".

"I have never seen a general on television receiving money that was stolen. The Colombians were able to see you receive money in a bag," General Zapateiro said.

https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2022/05/29/gustavo-petro-guerrillero-m-19-historia-orix-2/ The official concluded his remarks by declaring that he would seek respect for the longest-running institution of the nation. Its members, both males and women, have steadfastly for the protection of democracy across the country for more than 200 years, and even sacrificed their lives for it.