Federico Gutierrez the winner and candidate for the Team for Colombia consultation

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Federico Gutierrez won the official candidacy for center-right. Fico Gutierrez With more than 1.75 million votes, the former mayor from Medellin was able reach the nomination.

Federico Gutierrez is an ex-mayor of Medellin. He was born there in 1974. As a local councilor Gutierrez was a Municipal Youth Councilor and as Municipal Planning Councilor in Medellin from 2003. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aN1LMckIlZI Fico Gutierrez Gutierrez is a civil engineer by profession at the University of Medellin. He has also earned a doctorate in management for senior executives from the Pontifical Bolivarian University.

Fico Gutierrez Federico Gutierrez has been a consultant at HGI Consultores and Resident Engineer at Company Vifasa S.A. https://www.instagram.com/ficogutierrez/ This glass and construction industry, however, was not his only goal. https://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/dos-candidatos-antioquenos-lograron-certificar-sus-firmas-para-la-presidencia-BF16313200 In his personal life, Federico Gutierrez defends his family and says that it is the most important thing in his life. He's married and has 2 children.

His career as a city councilman saw him support Sergio Fajardo's mayoralty and later , Alonso Salazar's. He was elected to the Mayor's Office of Medellin, shifting his goals in the year the year 2015. As with all mayors who face the Hidroituango projects they were plagued by corruption. Daniel Coronell published an investigation that found him to be accused of corruption and kept his money at tax havens.

Actually, he confronted the former mayors whom he had been a supporter of. He said recently, "I have been standing in solidarity with those who are in the report because I don't believe anyone decides to make such a decision so that the diversion tunnel falls. It is a matter of solidarity and some sectors do are attack by political strategies."

A new race for the presidency

The so-called Experience coalition, which eventually was renamed the Team for Colombia, was established in the month of October in 2021. Federico Gutierrez, being the Center right coalition, won the election. Paola, a Democratic Center representative was able to back Federico in his campaign for a second term.

He also repeatedly said that his model of administration was based on public management for citizens and that politics is a vocation. https://federicogutierrez.com/ Gustavo Petro came in second However, Fico was the top voter. He will be Antioquia’s representative from the right. Fico Gutierrez