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Imagine a velvety black sky above you, studded with diamond stars. Night after night a streak of light falls in the sky. Where there was nothing, a crescent moon has formed. With every night the crescent moon of light gets bigger, rounder and fuller – until the whole night sky is illuminated with a silver mirror, the light cascades over shadows and pulls the tides.

The moon is a powerful metaphor for transformation and growth. It shows us how we can embody our own energetic evolution and step into our magic. The lunar alchemy attacks the inner oracle – your wisest self, speaking the language of metaphor and knowing beyond words or explanations. What the moon will teach you will challenge your intellect and awaken your moon self.

People have always felt called to the moon. Some would track time by its light, knowing that their cycle was 29.5 days. With keen, intuitive knowledge and observation, they experienced their influence on nature: the growth of plants, the behavior of animals, the fertility of menstruation and the dragging of the tides. And since we are part of nature’s web, the moon exerts its profound influence on us. It literally pulls our inner tide. Every step you take during your exploration of the moon is an invitation to discover your own magic. The moon reflects you, you reflect the moon. There is no separation. Go ahead with subtle awareness. You can’t think of yourself by the moonlight; you have to feel forward.

A key component of lunar magic and all natural magic is intuition and feeling. There is a time and a place for logic – the part of us ruled by the sun – and just as the sun and moon are properly related, so are logic and intuition two sides of the same coin. Lunar alchemy is a return to the lunar self, the part of you that dreams, feels, imagines and moves. You learn the language of the moon by always asking: How do I feel?

Practice checking in to yourself daily to improve this change of perspective. Just close your eyes and ask: How am I feeling right now? You will be surprised how clear this question can be. There is so much going on below the surface, subconsciously brewing in your heart and not being recognized.

Go one step further and feel the moon. Notice how you feel at each phase of the moon. Different phases affect us in different ways. Are you afraid What phase is the moon in? Are you in love? In which phase is the moon now? Learn to correlate the “moon inside” with the “moon outside”. As you move with the moon’s ups and downs, your own energy becomes stronger. Eventually, you will feel the phase of the moon without looking up at the sky.

Your energetic story

Everything in the universe is energy. What Gnosticism see, feel and experience is the manifestation of an energetic vibration. Energy is the invisible thread that holds everything together. It knows neither space nor time.

We explore the world of energy – especially your energetic history. Your energetic story is the accumulation of your thoughts, ideas, beliefs, fears and feelings about life and how life reacts to you. Your energetic story becomes the telling of your life. As we work with the moon, your energetic story will be revealed and you can begin to shift that energy in a conscious and powerful way.

The cornerstone of your inner world is laid by your experiences; Over time, these experiences become your beliefs. At every moment we look for evidence of what we believe, whether those beliefs are good or bad, nutritious or exhausting, conscious or unconscious.

Your inner world becomes your outer reality. Reality is relative to the inner experience, which repeats itself continuously unless you interrupt the cycle with conscious attention. When you combine attention with clear intent and pursue those intentions with action, action and ownership create empowered change.

When you access your energetic story, you begin to see the narrative of your life. This narrative can be modified to reflect a more congruent and coherent version of you! You make the unconscious parts of yourself conscious and shine light into the dark and forgotten places of your inner world.

Remember, you can choose what to believe. And by making the choice with conscious intention and action, you claim ownership of your life. You change the vibration and that manifests itself outwardly in your life experience.

Simply put, your energetic story is your center of attraction.

When every thought or feeling contains a vibration, and that vibration is something that you regularly immerse yourself in, it becomes your state of being. This frequency or vibration you send out into the universe and push and pull like vibrations into your experience. The more time we spend in a vibrational state, the denser the energy becomes until it manifests in physical reality.

So a negative thought doesn’t create a negative life. But a repeated negative thought becomes negative belief, and that negative belief becomes your vibrational state, which means that you can and will only create one reality that supports your vibration.

Can you name one experience in your life when this was true?

You may not know the roots of your pain, but you can usually name the discomfort you are feeling. So let’s start our process in the here and now, looking at the state of your life: your pain and fear. Your wishes and celebrations. Instead of seeing them as something separate from you or out of your control, you will see the silver thread that connects everything in your experience.

Your thoughts, feelings and actions were and are the generative force behind your life. In order to apply the alchemical experience of the moon, you must use your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly, and use them as a ladder to climb deeper within and find the source of your pain and strength, all with the moon as a guide.

The first exercise: what phase are you in?

Start with two lists:

1. A list of the things that you believe will dim your light and steal your energy / confidence / power / authority.
2. A list of the things that make you your light and increase your energy.

Now ask yourself the following questions to see what phase you are in. The answers to these questions provide information about how you use your energy and at what stage of development your personal strengths, desires and intentions seem to be.

Sometimes you will find that a certain area of ​​your life is in a phase. In general, there is an overall energetic state in which we spend most of our time.